When a work-related medical problem prevents you from working, your situation could be greatly improved if you are approved for benefits. Your employer's workers' comp insurance is supposed to pay you a disability salary while you remain at home and improve. Unfortunately, you may find out that doesn't always happen. Read on to find out why you might need an attorney and how to pay for it.
Problems With Claims
Whether an immigrant is in this country legally or without proper documentation, they may still need the assistance of a professional immigration attorney, like those at the office of Tesoroni & LeRoy, at some point. Here are four common reasons immigration lawyers are consulted.
You Have Received a Notice to Appear
If U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or U.S. Customs and Border Protection sends you a notice to appear (NTA), you should view this as a commencement to deportation proceedings.
Being involved in an automobile accident can be a difficult time for you. The potential for injury and financial losses are significant. The key to being able to recover quickly from your accident is by diligently working to get your case resolved with your insurance company. Knowing specific tips that can assist you in receiving the compensation you deserve is ideal.
Tip #1: Create a report
The key to getting the money you want from your accident may rest in creating a professional report that clearly states a number of your losses.
If you have been charged with a crime, then it is possible that you will be called for a preliminary hearing early in your case. While you may be apprehensive about the hearing, you should know that it is not the same as a trial. In fact, there are some key differences between a preliminary hearing and trial such as:
Duration and Aim of the Trial
Due to the nature of the preliminary hearing proceedings, they don't last very long.
Could the use of police quotas get your DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) case thrown out of court? Very possibly. This is what you should know.
Do Quotas Really Exist?
Whether or not there really are mandatory arrest quotas depends on a lot on who you ask and what they define as a "quota." While many people have the long-standing belief that the police do have quotas to meet (even if they aren't officially written down), a lot of police departments will deny their existence.