How's Your Health? What To Know About Car Accidents And Medical Records

Car accidents involving injuries can certainly cause problems. Even minor injuries can upset things for the victim in a major way. If you want to be compensated for your injuries and all the other forms of damage that go along with a car accident, you should be ready to also show proof of those injuries. To find out more, read on. 

What to Know About Accident Damages and Proof

If the other driver is at fault for your accident, you can be paid for the ways the car accident is impacting your life. Personal injury law allows for victims to be paid in full for all medical treatment, for instance. For any type of damage, or loss, proof must accompany it. If you expect to have your medical bills paid, you should also expect to submit paperwork that backs up each bill. Your medical records and, in some cases, a letter from your doctor, are the forms of proof that are most accepted.

When you are treated for an accident-related issue, let the practitioner know that you are there because of an accident so that it can be coded and billed properly. If you get billed for anything or accumulate any paperwork from your medical treatment, set it aside for your personal injury attorney. If you are being threatened with collection actions from an obligation that should be paid by the other driver's insurer, take action immediately and contact your attorney. Your credit could be permanently harmed if the insurer fails to follow through.

When Your Records Are Requested

It's common practice for clients to sign a release that allows their attorney to access their medical records. However, be wary if you are being asked for your previous records that are not related to the most recent accident. The other insurer may be attempting to pin an old injury on your current situation. Don't allow a preexisting condition to be mixed in with your current injuries. Never release your old records to the other side's insurer.

Why Records Matter So Much

Your medical records are not only about getting paid for your medical treatment, however. In many cases, the dollar value of your medical treatment can serve as an indicator of the seriousness of your injuries and so can be part of your pain and suffering payment. That means every dollar paid in medical expenses counts toward your award for pain and suffering. Don't take this important form of damage for granted.

Speak to an accident injury lawyer to find out more.
