If you are unable to work at your job because of a medical condition, you might be able to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. This monthly payment can be approved if you are able to show that you have an impairment and are no longer able to work because of it. As soon as you know you cannot work, you should begin the application process. You will need to be aware of a few very important dates as you work toward benefits, so read on to learn more.
Dates and Back Pay
There is often a gap in time between disability and SSDI approval. You are entitled to be paid for any benefits you would have been receiving during that time. These funds are provided to approved recipients in one lump sum payment that is known as back pay. The longer the gap between the time you became disabled and your approval, the higher your back pay will be. With the approval process taking months and months, your back pay will likely be a nice and much-needed sum of money. The Social Security Administration (SSA) takes a close look at the dates below when determining your back pay.
Your Alleged Onset Date (AOD)
Your application will ask you to state the date on which you think you became too affected by your affliction to work at your job. Make no mistake – they are not asking when you become ill but when your illness first affected your ability to work. This date is the alleged onset date (AOD). It is alleged because the SSA will verify the date before it can be used to determine your back pay amount. It's vital that you get this date right because the SSA will be checking to make sure that your medical and employment records back up the date. While the dates may be the same as your last day of work, you may have worked past the time your condition began to affect you.
Your Established Onset Date (EOD)
If the SSA, after researching your claim, agrees with the AOD you stated on your application, it will automatically become known as the established onset date (EOD). That is the date the SSA uses to figure your back pay. If they do not agree with your stated AOD, they will set their own EOD using the evidence gathered. If you think the EOD the SSA established is incorrect, you have the right to appeal the ruling.
Being approved for the benefits you need is often a challenge, and many applicants get denied. Be sure to follow up with a Social Security disability lawyer for help with your appeals – no matter the reason for the denial.