Sexual harassment can make it difficult to fulfill the responsibilities of your job comfortably. If you believe that you are being harassed in your workplace, you still may not know what to do or even how harassment is defined. Here are a few questions and answers sexual harassment to help you understand this legal issue and what you should do when it occurs:
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual statements, touches or requests that occur in the workplace. In addition, any sexual conduct that is embarrassing or threatening may be considered sexual harassment. The gender of the harassment victim is not important. Neither is the gender of the person performing the harassment.
A person who is being harassed may feel that his or her submission to sexual advances could cause him or her to be promoted in the workplace. In addition, the harassment victim may be given the impression that rejecting advances can cause him or her to to miss job opportunities or even be terminated. Still, sexual harassment can occur without any threat of economic harm to the victim.
Does sexual harassment have to come from a supervisor or other superior in the workplace?
The person harassing the victim does not have to be the victim's manager or supervisor. It could be a coworker, a manager from another area or even a person who is not employed by the same company.
What can the victim do to document his or her case?
The harassment victim should make sure that he or she uses appropriate workplace measures to address the grievance. For instance, if there is a grievance procedure used by human resources, the harassed employee should notify appropriate personnel of what is going on. In addition, if the harassment is not being performed by the employee's supervisor, the victim should notify his or her supervision of the harassment immediately. The victim should also notify the harasser that the harassment is not welcomed and needs to cease immediately.
Any emails, text messages or voicemails that are left by the harasser should be saved as evidence.
If you are being harassed in your workplace and the situation has not been properly addressed or continues, contact a sexual harassment lawyer in your area. He or she can pursue compensation for damages, such as retribution for lost raises or other economic harm and payment for your pain and suffering.
Contact a professional such as Davis George Mook to learn more.