When you are suing an insurance company to receive compensation related to an injury, you'll need to give a deposition at some point. It is stressful to be asked questions by the defendant's lawyers, because the intention of every question is to limit the amount of monetary damages that need to be paid by disproving your lawsuit. If you follow these 4 tips, it can help with giving a successful deposition.
Give Short Answers
You should always keep your answers short and to the point. When asked a question, you should respond with just enough information to give a sufficient answer. If you give unnecessary information, it can potentially open you up to more questioning and weaken your lawsuit. Never give away information voluntarily, and make the defendant's lawyers work for answers instead of giving them away.
Give Slow Answers
Always remember to slow down and speak calmly when giving an answer to a question. You do not need to rush through an answer, so give yourself time to think through it. It will help you to avoid making mistakes that can happen by speaking quickly, such as giving away unnecessary information.
Prepare Yourself With Mock Questioning
When giving a deposition, you will be asked many questions by the defendant's lawyers, many of which will seem as if they are unrelated to the accident. You definitely do not want to be unprepared for that kind of questions they will ask, since they are trying to catch you off guard to give up information that they do not have.
A great way to prepare yourself if by having your lawyer ask you questions to simulate a deposition. Your lawyer (like those at Dimeo Law Offices) knows the kind of questions that will be asked, and they can ask them in a similar manner to see how you react. This will get you ready for the actual deposition since you'll know what to expect.
Depositions are different than if you were questioned during a trial. In a deposition, a lawyer can ask you any question that is related or unrelated to the case.
Remember That You Can Always Confer With Your Lawyer
If you are asked a question that you do not know how to answer, always remember that you can speak with your lawyer privately before giving your answer. It will not look negatively toward your case, because it is a normal part of giving a deposition.
Following these 4 tips will ensure that your deposition is successful and doesn't hurt your case.