Three Factors That Help To Determine The Value Of Your Personal Injury Claim

If you've experienced a personal injury that's caused lost wages, mounting medical bills, and pain and suffering, you're probably wondering the worth of your personal injury case. Listed below are three factors that will help the courts determine the value of your case, and therefore, the amount of compensation you can receive.

Do You Share In the Blame?

If you had any part in your injury, the state you live in determines whether you can receive any compensation at all. If you live in Alabama, Washington D.C., Maryland, or Virginia and are in any way responsible for your injuries, you cannot hold others accountable, even if the majority of the fault lies with them.  

Fortunately, most states fall into the comparative negligence category, which means you can receive compensation up to the percentage that the other party is responsible. If the courts find you 30% responsible for your injury, the full amount of damages you can reclaim is only 70%, as that is the percentage the other party is responsible for.

Is There A Permanent Injury As A Result?

While non-permanent injuries can no doubt be painful and result in lost wages, you'll receive a higher compensation amount if the injury you sustained was permanent.

Have you suffered a loss of mobility due to the injury? Will this injury require ongoing care for the rest of your life? If so, your personal injury claim will reflect this with the right proof and documentation from yourself and your doctors.

Pain and suffering may be included in your compensation, but will require further documentation from your doctors, therapists, and psychologists. If there is proof that you'll be suffering as a result of this injury for the rest of your life—physically, emotionally, or both—the cost of therapy, medications, pain treatment, and even future lost wages can be added in to your total compensation amount.  

Are There Any Witnesses to Corroborate Your Claim?

When you're telling the truth, it can be frustrating to know that others might not believe you. Unfortunately, when you're requesting monetary compensation, there will be those who will doubt your story. While you might have suffered an injury that could in no way be blamed on you, you may be dealing with an unsympathetic defendant. If you can provide trustworthy witnesses, you may be able to bolster your claim which can increase the monetary value.

If you've been injured and are wondering how much compensation you're owed, set up a consultation with a personal injury attorney. They can best inform you of state laws governing liability, and help you to gather all the information you need to claim the most compensation you can for your injuries. 
